Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jekyll Touch-and-Go, Day 2

I decided to try another round of touch-and-go landing practice at Jekyll, but without spending too much time taking pictures or trying to record videos. I also abandoned real world weather for today, since it would probably be pretty poor. Here's a fair weather view of what I've dubbed "Jekyll Farm" since that's what it looks like in FSX:

You'll notice I'm flying south along the beach where yesterday I was flying north. That's because the sim had me positioned on the opposite runway this time. I figured it would be a nice change of pace until I got lined up for my first landing. Look closely and you'll see four white landing lights, which indicate I'm too high; but look even closer and you'll see a big dang tree right at the end of the runway. Any lower and I fly right through that thing. I had to dodge up and around the tree and try to still land on the end of the runway. Trying too hard, I actually landed in the grass just short of the runway and almost landed on the fence surrounding the airport. Not good!

After touching down and taking back off again I switched patterns and resumed landing from the north. I also pretty much ignored the landing lights. Any time I got the correct signal, two while lights and two red ones, I was way too low. At least, I was way too low given my descent rate. I suppose if I could dial in a shallower descent I would be OK. Instead, for my next three landings I just ignored the lights, came in a bit high (but safe), cleared the end of the runway then flared out for three very nice easy landings. Satisfied with that, I quit for the day.

Oh, before I could fly I actually had to let my five year old on the computer for a while. He prefers the faster planes and has actually logged more hours in the F-18 than I have. Here he is buzzing a lake somewhere in Canada:

He actually did pretty well until his chaotic maneuvering resulted in an "aircraft overstressed" warning which terminated his flight. I suppose I should turn off crash detection and some of those other features when he plays, but I just didn't think about it.

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