Actually, at this image size, I'm not sure you can see more than a singe white dot towards this end of the runway, but trust me, I'm too high.
After banking left and then back right, reducing power and pulling the nose up, I got the plane into a steady descent on the proper glide slope and aimed at the runway. Here's how it supposed to look on final approach:

Again, at this resolution I'm not sure you can see the individual lights. Maybe they look a little pinker, but it's actually two sets of lights, with the top set showing red and the bottom set showing white.
I also took the few seconds I had before touchdown to switch to tower view and take an image of myself as seen from the control tower. Not much to look at without a zoom function or a good pair of binoculars, but here I am:

Actual landing photos coming up in the final post of this series. Future posts won't have this many images, but my sister has suggested that some of my earlier posts lack visual appeal, so I'm trying to compensate.
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