Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Flight of the Tomahawk

Picked up a new plane for the simulator. It's a little two-seat (side-by-side) trainer, the Piper PA-38 Tomahawk. It's smaller and simpler than the Cessna, but more advanced that the Champ - a good in-between plane to train on and a low-wing to boot:
The low wing is great for visibility in a turn, but not so great for sight-seeing, or trying to look down in level flight to navigate visually. The plane handled pretty well in the two short flights I've made around the airport.

I'm still having some computer issues though. No control resets this time, but I installed a sound card (Sound Blaster Audigy SE) to replace the on-board sound that came with the motherboard. That solved the poppling and crackling issue, but the sound coming out of the card seems to have an echo or something going on and is distorted. I've tried some fixes, but without success. I've since e-mailed Creative Labs tech support for help, waiting for a reply.

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